About the Business
A meadowland course on two levels contained within a loop of the river Dee, the club overlooks Chester Race course, is less than a mile from the City Centre, and has fine views of the Welsh Hills.
The tree lined fairways lead the player to some of the best greens in Cheshire with sufficient variety to suit all levels of golfer. Although the club boasts a full program of club and inter-club competitions, there are still sufficient times available for friendly golf on our peaceful course. Each of the various sections - men, ladies and juniors - offers a full competition schedule, aimed at players of all standards. The men also have an active seniors section, which holds separate competitions and has matches against other clubs.
The club has a full social scene including cabaret nights, family evenings, bridge sessions, quiz nights, a winter snooker competition and a poker league. All are well attended.
Location & Hours

Curzon Park North